Monday, July 18, 2011

Busy Busy

This past weekend has been one of those "go go go" weekends.

Friday we headed to the PPG Zoo and Aquarium. Olivia has never been there, so we were really excited to take her. I'm still kind of unsure if she's really "ready" yet. She was SO excited to see all the animals that she didn't want to actually look at them. She was uninterested in the fish, except for the polar bear. Alex, well, she just hung out in the stroller and took a couple of snoozes. I think we'll wait until next year to go again.

By the "a-ving-gos"


Alex chillaxing

Stopping for some Dippin' Dots

On Saturday, we headed up north to my dad's and his girlfriend's camp. They own a nice modular camper thingy right along the river. They both have boats, but the pontoon is much more kid/baby friendly. We went out for a nice ride and came back had steak and potatoes on the grill. After dinner they had fireworks for some festival they have every year over there. We headed back home at 10:30. Both girls slept the whole way home. I love going up there, but its about an hour and a half drive. Middle of nowhere, really.

Holding her ears. One of those "things" kids do sometimes

Mid-Cheese pose

Love this photo. My girls love each other so much.

Sunday was nothing but laying around. We even went to get some ice cream. :) Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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