Monday, July 11, 2011

Update: Potty Training/Shelter for my herd

This is an update of 2 things that have been ongoing in our house for a couple of weeks.

Right now, Miss Olivia is in undies full time except for naps and bedtime. *I'm not ready to be cleaning pee up at 2am just yet* She is usually dry when she wakes up from a nap and will go pee right away. She's not, however, holding it all night. One step at a time, right?

We're having a little issue with pooping on the potty though. She's done it, so I know she can. She'd just prefer to wait until a diaper is adorned to her bum to let loose. *sigh* She'll hold it as long as she can. The other night, after 31 months, she finally pooped in the tubby. She freaked out and started screaming that it was going to get her. Bahaha, it was hilarious and gross all at the same time.

She also looks adorable running around with little undies on. Currently, she's wearing Disney Princess multi pack. :) She's doing so well, and we're very proud of her! *Who knew we'd be yelling and dancing when our child pees on the potty?*

Here's what's going on with an apartment. What a mess, I tell ya! After looking at 3 very unpromising places last week, we decided to see if there were ANY units on the bottom floor at our complex. Nothing available, but the bigger apartment that will be ready for August is actually being remodeled. New carpets, cabinetry, doors, etc. It's a little more than we pay now a month. So, we're staying here and moving when the place is finished. No word on when.

I swear if something goes wrong this time, I might vomit.

Oh, and one more tidbit. Miss Alex has a white spot on her bottom gum. Holy Moley Spicey Guacamoley! I can't believe the tooth is on the gummy horizon! I'll be sure to let you know when it pops out.

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